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Autor Thema: from Tigra TT to GT  (Gelesen 19649 mal)


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from Tigra TT to GT
« am: 24. September 2007, 20:26:41 »
This Saturday am going to order my GT! i can say that am very happy with my choice and this because I’ve driven from august till yesterday all other interesting cars like S3=39500e, TT 2.0T=47.000e, Z4 2.5SI=49500e, S2000=51200e, RX8(231)= 36500, SLK200(edition10)=44500e, and my friend's Z4 3.0i 231ps, i end up looking opel gt. I can say that GT is the most powerful even against Audi S3. but this isn't the only reason I selected it to be my car for the next years. THE reason is the fun while drivin' it!
To the point now!!!
I want to ask all(those ones that they really are gt owners) if they have faced any problems electrical - mechanical, like the electric windows if they make any interruption while working, if the car become unstable between several driving conditions, if the roof licks in heavy rain, the consumption is too big , and generally if something went wrong!
Now the Tigra is excellent and in my opinion the king in its party,
but not so fast as the gt and seems that it can't carry a 1.000 continue driving trip (i have the 1.4 twinport)
thnx for your time and am waiting
1) your recommendations  and your opinion
2) your questions
3) the opening of the europe gt forum and even better the gt forum of greece! :D
*i've driven the GT in my avatar!
*GT's price = 37000+1250premium pack +plates = 39550 euro -- believe it!
*225watts are RMS or Music????
« Letzte Änderung: 24. September 2007, 20:38:18 von gt_hellas »

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